The Code for RACECAR
//get value from page
function getValues(){
//makes alert invisible
let userWord = document.getElementById("userWord").value;
let reverseWord = checkForPalindrome(userWord);
//loop through word entered by user
//logic function
function checkForPalindrome(userString){
//race car
userString = userString.toLowerCase();
//remove spaces and special characters
let regex = /[^a-z0-9]/gi;
userString = userString.replace(regex,"");
let reversedWord = [];
let returnObj = {};
//reverse a word using a for loop
for (let index = userString.length -1; index >= 0; index--) {
reversedWord += userString[index];
if(reversedWord == userString){
returnObj.msg = "Well done! You entered a Palindrome!";
returnObj.msg = "Sorry! You did not enter a Palindrome!";
returnObj.reversed = reversedWord;
return returnObj;
//display results
function displayResults(returnObj){
document.getElementById("alertheader").innerHTML = returnObj.msg;
document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML = `Your phrase reversed is ${returnObj.reversed}`;
The code is structured with three functions. A getValue, checkForPalindrome and displayResults function.
function getValue()
The getValue function is the controller function of the app. It does three tasks. This function takes in the input string value from user. This value is then passed to the checkForPalindrome function as a parameter. Finally the displayResults function is called with checkForPalindrome function passed into it as a parameter
function checkForPalindrome()
The checkForPalindrome function uses a "for loop" to iterate through a string, however this iteration is performed in reverse by starting with the last index position and decrementing each loop.
function displayResults()
The displayResults function displays the string that was input from user in reverse order on the screen along with a alert.